Current Pilots

Working Together

Mentoring & Respectful relationships through work experience

The Working Together pilot aims to support young neurodivergent teens who might be venturing into the realm of employment or seeking work experience  to prepare for employment. 

Drive Together

Drive Together is a pilot social program designed to engage disengaged youth and neurodivergent young people through actvitites centred around cars. This includes but limited to, attending car shows/meets, visiting mechanic shops, learning/practicing mechanical car skills, building Lego/Technic cars, trucks, learning about the automotive industry and tinkering with cars. Focusing on a special interest in cars can provide opportunities to use a variety of tools, learn practical mechanical skills, and develop an interest in the automotive industry. The program will also provide a supportive and inclusive environment where participants can build connections with the community, boost their confidence, and explore potential career paths in the automotive industry.