Youth Gamers

What is the Youth Gamers program?

  • The Youth Gamers program is similar to the Gamers Guild but has a stronger focus on togetherness and collaborative activities. 
  • The program is structured and starts with some sort of turn-based card/board game or tech activity, followed by a gaming session. 
  • Participants are encouraged to engage in multiplayer games with require collaboration or the practice of teamwork (fix)
  • Having multiple sessions allows us to match like minded participants into different groups
  • Direction of the session inclusive of the goals/interests of the participants – surveys

What can you do in the Youth Gamers Program?

  • The session usually starts with a collaborative, cooperative turn based card/board game or a tech activity (differs each term depending on responses/feedback from surveys). This part of the session is not compulsory but it is encouraged, for those not confident enough to join in, it may become something we work towards together. Once the first activity is completed we work towards playing cooperative games for those that feel comfortable engaging, otherwise, we follow the direction or support needs of the participant.
  • Ultimately, participants have the opportunity to:
    • Play single-player and cooperative multiplayer games on high-end gaming PCs with curved monitors
    • Learn how to use a 3D printer and potentially design their own 3D models
    • Practice or learn new tech related skills
    • Play card/board games

What is the purpose of the Youth Gamers Program

The ultimate goal of the Youth Gamers program similar to the Gamers Guild, to provide a safe and inclusive space for neurodivergent young people, but to provide a target approach. We try to develop an authentic relationship where we better understand the interests, aspirations and goals of each participant to help link them with other like minded participants. There is also a greater emphasis on collaborating and cooperating as a group, ultimately, to develop a small community of friends – to also foster continuity and familiarity.

Do I need to bring anything?

We understand that some participants require personal devices to feel safe in their comfort zone. If a participant wishes to bring equipment, we are totally okay with it. However, we have an Xbox Series X with Gamepass, Nintendo Switch’s and games, gaming PCs, gaming headsets, 3D printers and Makey Makeys.